Monday, May 5, 2008

What is there to lose?

A conversation I had with a friend of mine inspired this post, and I want to give him the credit (thank, Justin!)

Essentially, the question regarding my faith, or any organized religion, is "why?" Why believe? Why do the things you do? Why follow what looks like someone else's rules? Why "limit" yourself? And when you strip away all my personal convictions, feelings, and experiences, there is something basic: "why not?"

Everything that I choose to do, inspired by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is good. Everything that I have changed or let go as a result of following the commandments, have caused me to improve myself.

So I don't drink alcohol, smoke, drink coffee/tea, or do drugs... that's not a bad thing.
So I don't have sex before marriage... that's not a bad thing.
So I don't watch R-rated movies... that's not a bad thing.
So I don't swear... that's not a bad thing.
So I commit my life to service... that's not a bad thing.
So I spend 3 hours every Sunday at church... that's not a bad thing.

At the end of the day, the things I do are not bad things. They do not harm myself, and they do not harm others. (I would like to suggest that they help others... but I'll leave that to someone else) I hope it is safe to say that these things are positive. They have improved my health, they have helped prevent a lot of heartache, they have saved me money, they have motivated me to help, and 3 hours a week is not much of a sacrifice.

I have only experienced positive things in my life as a result of my conversion and the choices I have made. I have been happier, experience greater self-esteem, enjoyed greater success at school/work, greater harmony at home, and have made more friends. I am grateful for the life I have been given, and the choices I am able to make.


garrettmyler said...

Well said! Your thoughts reminds me of the scripture in Moroni 7:12 that says "all things which are good cometh of God". Regardless of your religion, if what your doing doesn't bring you "good" results or makes your happier, then you wouldn't continue doing it for very long. It was Einstein who said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with different results. Why do you think Mormon youth stay in the church into adulthood...much more than other religions? It's because we realize that when we live the teachings of the church, all those commandments others might view as restrictive, we enjoy happier and more peace filled life. It works...if it didn't, I'm too independent and smart to stick around.

Lynette said...

I came upon your blog when doing a search on the talk Elder Ballard gave at BYU-Hawaii and have enjoyed reading a few of your postings. You have a powerful influence in spreading the restored truth and touching lives by what you are doing. Thank you!! :)